from Chris Classic
video directed by John Walder "5 Carats for T'yanna" is an ode to the intentionality of Fatherhood & Hip Hop, as seen in our introduction to Notorious BIG and his first single Juicy. He was willing to provide for his daughter by any means. When touting his accomplishments and new found successes, he lists "livin life without fear, puttin five carats in my babygirls ear". His 'babygirl', as shared in later songs, was named Tyanna. As a father and creative, Chris Classic also uses hip hop as a means of personal expression and self fulfillment, but more importantly as means to provide for his children. An accomplished lyricist, Chris Classic feels 5 Carats For Tyanna is a return to a hip hop standard, both in sound and in mind. track by Eric Lau (@ericlaumusic) Follow at @mrchrisclassic Forthcoming EP "Sauce Drip Perc Lit No Cap, Happy Now?" March 2019
May 2019